
The Original Instagram: Whose Property is it?

Sue Altmeyer

FIFA's One Association-One Vote Rule: Does Democratic Governance Ensure its "Corporate" Integrity?

Ilias Bantekas

The Failure of "Quick Look" Analyses of Antitrust Claims

Jonathan Berman

Institutional Investors as Climate Activists: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Markus Lieberknecht

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the "Deep Administrative State": A Case Study of its ESG Rules

Jerry W. Markham

A Roadmap to NIL and Taxation

Doron Narotzki & Yariv Brauner


Rediscovering Adam Smith: An Inquiry in the Rule of Law, Competition, and the Future of the Federal Trade Commission

Melissa Holyoak & Christopher G. Mufarrige


Hollywood's Triple Threat: Writers, Actors, and Antitrust Regulators Take on the Streaming Giants

Remy S. Farkas

Defining "Use in Commerce": The Supreme Court's Evolving Extraterritorial Application of the Lanham Act

Hannah Lief

State Taxing Power Over Tribal Leasing Activity: Balancing Bracker with the Call to Modernize

Caitlyn Lindstrom

Addressing Base Erosion: Impact of the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act on Tax Inversions and Profit Sharing

T. Scott Shogren

Restructuring Undefined Assets: Valuation of Stablecoins and Their Impact on the Bankruptcy Process

Olivia Woodmansee

Finding Rights in the Fine Print: How Terms of Services Agreements Can Turn Consumer Search History into Digital Property

Dalia Wrocherinsky