
Too Much Domestic Law in International Arbitration: The Case of Arbitral Res Judicata

Luca G. Radicati Di Brozolo


Businesses Beware: The Changing Face of Attorney-Fee Awards in U.S. Courts

Aaron Bartholomew and Sharon Yamen

Foreclosure Sales as Fraudulent Transfers

David Gray Carlson

The Delaware-Inspired Next Step Toward Brazil Becoming the South American Leader in Corporate Law: Making Public Company Arbitrations a Matter of Public Record

Caio Machado Filho, Francisco Rüger Antunes Maciel Müssnich, and Leo E. Strine Jr.


“Show Me the Money”: The SEC’s Use of Distribution as a Tool for Investor Protection

Coleman Gilkey Newton

The Chicken or the Egg: The Proper Order of Analysis when Determining the Enforceability of a Delegation Clause and the Broader Arbitration Agreement in Consumer Contexts

Parker Reynolds

Plausible to Proper: Clarifying Federal Circuit Jurisdiction over Walker Process Appeals

Peter James Rozewicz


Out-of-State Abortion on Company Dime: An Analysis of State Legislation and ERISA

Erin Elizabeth Hanlon