The American University Business Law Review ("AUBLR") is the first law review in Washington, D.C., dedicated solely to business issues. Originally launched as a brief, AUBLR is now ranked #15 in Business, Corporations, and Securities Law journals by the Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings.

AUBLR is committed to publishing high-quality, impactful scholarship from both established and emerging legal scholars. It seeks to offer cutting-edge legal analysis and propose innovative solutions to the complex challenges that businesses face today. As the first business law publication in the nation’s capital, AUBLR also sponsors an annual symposium where leading scholars and practitioners convene to discuss pressing issues in business law.

Edited and produced by students at American University Washington College of Law, AUBLR’s thirteen volumes encompass a wide range of business law scholarship, reflecting the latest legal developments. AUBLR welcomes article submissions from academics, practitioners, and law students, with a rolling review process for potential publication.

Meet the Volume 13 Editorial Board & Staff