RAISEing Immigration Barriers and Lowering Economic Output
By James Duffy Republican Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue introduced the Reforming American Immigration for a…
“Trust”ing in Illinois to Lead the Way
By Bianca Petcu In January 2017, the Illinois State Senate started hearings on Bill SB0031, otherwise known…
Airport Face Recognition: Enhancing security or crumbling privacy?
By Nazaneen Pahlevani What if all you needed to travel was your face?[1] The Federal government is…
Moving Into The Mainstream: Esport’s Overwatch League Mandates Player Contracts
Source: Wikimedia Commons Marco Verch By Stephen Keegan This fall, players from across the globe will gather…
You Can’t Sue Someone for Satire, Bob.
By Stephanie Leacock Someone finally sued John Oliver, host of Home Box Office’s (“HBO”) weekly satirical news…
More Than Cosmetic: Third Circuit Reverses Dismissal of CEPA Claim Against L’Oréal
By Erica Hughes On July 25, 2017, the Third Circuit held that terminating an employee for refusing…
The Battle for your iPhone’s Innards
Photo of Qualcomm ad taken by Theodore Sotland at the DuPont Circle Metro Station. By Theodore Sotland If…
FruitFly: The Malware That Should Convince Everyone to Cover Their Cameras and Corporations to Stop Covering Their Backs
Image Source: Portal Gda [https://flic.kr/p/WyiQEH] By Lucy Kelly Ransomware attacks have made headlines across the globe in…
It Will be A Victory, but for Whom? The Battle Against Net Neutrality
By Dalisha Sturdivant The Trump administration has driven the crowd wild once again with its latest policy…
Risky Business: A Closer Look at the May 2017 Cybersecurity Executive Order & Its Effects on Business
By Pritika Ramesh On May 11, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity…